Holiday Bundle Deal
BundleTwo trainings to meet all your CE requirements! Ethics (3hrs) and Supervision (3hrs). A huge savings when you purchase as a bundle!
Home Study Course: Ethical Documentation (3 hours)
CourseThis home study course fulfills the requirements for THREE CE hours (3 hours of ETHICS).
Home Study Course: Intro to Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) (6 hours)
CourseThis home study course fulfills the requirements for SIX CE hours (6 hours).
Home Study Course: How Poverty Impacts Mental Health (1 hour)
CourseThis online home study course fulfills the requirements for ONE CE hour (1 hour).
Home Study Course: Culturally "Competent" Supervision: Why Humility Matters More (3 hours)
CourseThis self-paced home study course fulfills requirements for SUPERVISION hours (3 hours).
Home Study Course: Understanding Vicarious Trauma (1 hour)
CourseThis course provides 1 CE (credit hour) approved by the CSWMFT Board of Ohio.